1. Erasmus+ Organisational Support Grant for the Beneficiary (OS)

According to the rules stated in the Erasmus+ Guide, the Organisational Support grant is a contribution to any cost incurred by the institutions, in relation to activities that support student and staff mobility activities, both inbound and outbound. These activities should comply with the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education in Programme Countries, and with the principles of the ECHE, as reflected in the inter institutional agreements agreed, in the case of institutions from Partner Countries. For example: the organisational arrangements with partner institutions, including visits to potential partners, to agree on the terms of the inter-institutional agreements for the selection, preparation, reception and integration of mobile participants. The participation of staff and teachers of HEIs in training activities and seminars aiming for the development of Erasmus+ principles and mobility procedures. The cooperation and implementation of mobility activities so as to update and keep active, the signed inter-institutional agreements.
Please check with your National Agency for any local rules regarding the use of the OS grant.

2. Erasmus Staff Training Grant (STW)

Maximum number of 3 participants from each organization can be accepted.

You can apply to participate and receive funding under the Erasmus Staff training scheme in the following way: 

A 5 days ERASMUS Staff Week (STW) organized (TBA), in cooperation with EAEC and ERACON Congress. The ERASMUS staff week programme includes training workshops organized under the ERACON Congress in collaboration with the (TBA).

Participants in the ERASMUS Staff Week should apply through the link below and once they are accepted by the (TBA), they will be asked to proceed to their official registration with the compulsory fee of 240 euro in order to take part in the ERACON workshops, which includes coffee breaks and lunch meals. Ticket to the official ERASMUS Dinner Dance on the 24th June 2025 (worth 50 euro) will be charged extra at the price of 20 euro pre-paid through the registration process or 40 euro on-site, if there is availability.

Certificate of participation will be given only to those who will complete all 5 days of the training (23-27 June 2025). Participants will be asked to sign an attendance sheet every day at the registration desk.

Maximum number of places: 30 (order of registration will be kept)

Registration Deadline: 16 March 2025

ERACON 2025 - Preliminary Programme - TBA


3. Erasmus Training Course organized by EAEC in Porto

Maximum number of 3 participants from each organization can be accepted.

KA2 project workshops and networking for new EU funding proposals.

The content is structured within the conference programme.

Participants should apply through the link below and once they are accepted by the EAEC, they will be asked to proceed to their official registration with the compulsory fee of 300 euro, which includes coffee breaks and lunch meals. Ticket to the official ERASMUS Dinner Dance (worth 50 euro) will be charged extra at the price of 20 euro pre-paid through the registration process or 40 euro on-site if there is availability.

Certificate of participation will be given only to those who will complete all 3 days of the training (23-25 June 2025). Participants will be asked to sign an attendance sheet every day at the registration desk.

Maximum number of participants: 30 (order of registration will be kept)

Registration Deadline: 16 March 2025


For any questions about the possible funding, please send us an email at info@eracon.eu